How does Amway work?

Here is one of our reader's interpretations of how the Amway system really works:
nomorescamway writes his own "Amway Review":
Amway/Scamway they, the directs and above, will dangle what ever carrot they can in front of you to get you in. Next, they want you to buy cd's and books. There's always a cd of the week plus if you're "serious" you'll want to buy another three or four. Oh, and there's always a recommended book. Yes, you want to be on the same page as your upline diamond. This is all part of a mass programming scheme. Ideally that want to "hook" you on the tools so that you'll continue to buy them. While you're spending money on the tools they'll recommend that you come to your first "function." They will usually bring in your upline emerald or above to "pitch" the conference to you. They'll tell you how critical it is that you attend this event as it will give you a "jump start" on your fellow IBO's. What they don't tell you is that dirty secret...
the scam that it takes a few years of building the business to hear about. Simply put, the millions of dollars that these folks make, which allows them to live in expensive homes and drive expensive cars, comes from the tools that you're buying and the functions that you're attending. Oh, and wait. Guess what they have at those functions? They'll usually bring in a big music act. I know the new age musician, John Tesch, who used to be a tv host in the states, is friends with some of the leadership of network 21. He'll come to your functions to perform and bring his cd's with you. A small percentage of the sale of the cd's will go directly to network 21, since they're helping him push his cd's. Everyone wins. Or, they'll have a famous author at your function to speak to you, like Robert Kiyosaki, who wrote Rich Dad, Poor Dad. He'll come to sing the praises of Amway and Network 21 and bring 10k in books, if not more. I guarantee you he'll move 9,995 of those books. A small percentage will go to the hosts and Robert will keep the rest. Do you see where the money is going now? Yup. The reason they push people to hit "emerald" is because this is the "secret circle." That's when they teach you how to market the tools and how to market the functions. They'll send out weekly messages one to two months before a function to get everyone excited. They do this because each emerald, or diamond, has a quota. That quota gives them an idea of how much they're actually going to make off of that one function.

In the end, Network 21, Britt Worldwide, Dreambuilders International are all the same thing. The dirty secret behind the business is they make money but constantly taking your money, selling you things they tell you will make money. Network 21 learned how to deceive from Dexter Yeager and Bill Britt. They're the masters of deceit.


Joecool said...

Amway doesn't work. It's why there's a trail of failure following this opportunity.

Anonymous said...

You are misinformed.

ExAmbot said...

Here's another one...

Attending this major function will put you six months ahead in your business. or this function is your mirror of where you will be in five years.

There's more but basically you nailed the game. As long as people stay in they represent income to an upline somewhere and a bit to ScAmway. So the latter is willing to turn a next to complete blind eye to the shenanigans of the tool systems. They all win, yep from the masses below emerald level.